Life's Real distraction

James 1.2-4, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you encounter trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Allow perseverance to finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." The idea of joy is being content. Specifically, this joy is not from material goods or circumstances. This joy is contentment in that your focus is not on your lack, but on your gain or profit - the extra. Joy maybe expressed with a feeling or physically, but joy is a belief that what you have received from God is sufficient - enough... that God in your life is enough. This knowledge is related to peace - the presence of God and the focus on God rather than circumstances. So then trials really confront us as opportunities to trust God. God is trustworthy regardless of circumstances, feelings and physical state. Perseverance is holding onto God while trials pressure us to let go. Perseverance is different than patience which can mean to wait for action to happen. Perseverance, you actively hold onto God while waiting for God to act, content in the knowledge that God loves you and have peace because God is present in your life - despite circumstances.

Pastor Robert Zegarra
Braintree SDA Church

2025 Braintree Church family call:  1) Pray for God bring one person to share the Gospel weekly; 2) Pray for God to send you persons who desire to study the Bible


You can share your Prayer requests, praise and thanks on the Online Prayer Form on bottom of the Prayer Ministry page or you can email, call or sms Princess Stanford, the Elders and the Pastor. 

You can also join us for prayer daily on the weekday Morning Prayer Line 5:30 a.m - 6:00 a.m. by phone, Wednesday evening by Zoom or by simply praying through our Prayer page during the day personally and with others. Our goal is to update the Prayer page daily during the week and encourage people to pray, praise, listen to God throughout the day. Please join us during the Weekday Prayer Line in the morning by calling #712-775-8968, meeting code 466242 or every Wednesday evening by using the Zoom link below.


Please look at our Church News and Updates and Calendar for the latest information. You can jump here to the 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship online program bulletin simple view to follow the program or watch the live streaming Divine Worship with a program to follow here

Join us in-person or online!

We are mask optional, but please watch online if you are not feeling well.

Our Service times: 

    Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. (Beginners, ages 0-5, starts at 10:00 am) and ends at 10:45 am

    Divine Service: 11:00 a.m.

All our services - Sabbath School, Divine Service and Wednesday Prayer meeting- can be watched virtually. The Sabbath School and Wednesday Prayer meeting use Zoom while the Divine Service can be watched either here onsite or on Braintree Youtube Channel.

Please use the Zoom link below to join the Sabbath morning study or Wednesday evening service.  


If you already have the Zoom app installed, you may also use the meeting id & code below to access the meetings.
Meeting ID: 988 573 545
Passcode: 250250

Sabbath School begins at 9:30 a.m. January 2023
Lesson review for the week 
Adult -
Youth -
Juniors/Teens -
Primary -
Kindergarten -
Beginner -