Braintree SDA Family Ministry Presents
The Family Bookshelf Parenting Book Club
Are you a parent looking for a supportive community to discuss & learn about topics affecting modern parenting? Join us for the inaugural meeting. Future meetings will be held quarterly.
Meeting Details
- Date: January 26, 2025
- Time: 4:00 PM - 5 PM
- Location: Zoom- See Registration Link Below
- https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqduyppzssG9zuBIaUJAhqHkZ79D1i-3tr

Featured Book: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt (click to go to Amazon to read a sample)
Guest Speaker: Dr. Steve Masillamoni- Child Psychiatrist
Discussion Topics
The Rise of Overprotection
How "safetyism" has limited children’s ability to develop independence, problem-solving skills, and emotional coping mechanisms.
Play Based vs Digital Based Childhood: The effects of social media
How the pervasive use of phone based technologies and social media may be a driver of anxiety and depression, particularly among teens.
Restoring Resilience Through Exposure and Community
Children develop resilience when they face challenges and experience manageable risks. Strong communities and support networks for children, help them feel secure and connected in an increasingly fragmented society.